How To Add Attachments to Document Templates

There will be situations where you wish to add attachments to document templates. Common examples include welcome packs and promotional leaflets. The steps below walk you through how to add an attachment to a document template within your dental software.

The first step is to enter Setup, to do this click on the tooth button in the top left of SFD, select Setup from the dropdown list (shown below).

Now click on the Documents button (shown below).

The next step is to open the document you wish to add an attachment to. To do this, click Open in the top left of the screen then select the desired document from the list.

Now that you document is open, click the Attach button (shown below).

The window below will appear, click Add in the bottom left corner. Then select the item you wish to attach to the document then click Open.

Now you have selected the item you wish to attach, it will be displayed in the window below. If you wish to remove the item, simply click the Remove button, which is situated next to the Add button. Click OK, in the bottom right to attach the item.

Now the item is attached, click Save. From now any time you send the document as an email the item will automatically be attached.

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