How Do I Find the Number of Domiciliary Visits in a Given Time Period

As a practice you may want to keep track of how many domiciliary visits have been made over a certain amount of time. To do this, follow the steps below.

Firstly enter the SFD Reports section and click the report named NHS UDA Summary.

Once you have clicked UDA Summary navigate to the report button in the top left hand corner to bring up the Select Dates window. For the purpose of this report we are going to use "last month" as an example, select it from the dropdown box. You can also decide which contract you want to run the report for.

Once you have clicked OK, the report will be generated. Across the top you will see a number of different tabs (shown below).

By clicking on the Summary tab you will see a breakdown of your practice's NHS information. On this list you will see Domiciliary and how many have been made in the last month (shown below).

You also have the option to view it via each performer as a further breakdown.

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