How Do I Activate Point Scoring on My Appointment Book?

You may wish to see how many UDA's a dentist is scheduled to complete in a particular day. You can do this by using points within appointment reasons.

The first step is to enter Setup.

Now you are in Setup, click on the Reasons button which is situated on the Appointments heading.

A list of your appointment reasons will be displayed (shown below).

Select the appointment reason you wish to add a point value to. You can double click on the reason or click once then click Edit. The screen below will appear.

Enter the desired points into this window. For example 1 for an exam, 3 for a filling, or 12 for a crown. Go through your list of appointments reasons and enter the appropriate points.

Now you have added points to your appointment reasons it is time to activate point scoring on your appointment book. To do this, first of all open the appointment book. Click on the Options button, and then select Show points (shown below).

Now you have activated Show points you will notice next to the dentist name their points will be shown (example below).

In this particular example Linda Mason has 55 points generated from her appointment reasons. This is a great way to see how many UDA's a dentist completes in a day at a glance.

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