How Do I Run an SMS Report

The SMS report allows you to view SMS messages that were prepared within your dental software in any given time period. To access this report, click on the SFD button in the top left hand corner of the screen, then select Reports from the menu.

Now you are in the Reports click on the SMS button.

After entering the SMS report, click the Report button in the top left of the screen.

You will then be presented with the Select Dates window.

Select the date range you wish to view then click OK.

The report opens in the Messages tab. This tab simply lists every SMS message that was prepared within the chosen time period. The list shows when the SMS was created and processed. It also shows the status of the message, for example, Delivered or With operator. You can also see the content of the SMS under the Text heading, and the finally you can see the length of the message in the far right hand corner in characters.

The second and final tab within this report is the Graph tab.

This graph displays totals either by day, week or by month of SMS messages that were processed in the chosen time period. Select the buttons at the top of the screen to choose to view by day, week or monthly information.

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