How To Manually Allocate a Payment

If you have a patient that is being seen by 2 or more performers at once you may wish to manually allocate certain payments to a particular performer. To do so, follow the steps below.

From the example below you can see the patient has 2 outstanding treatment invoices. One of which completed by the performer Martin Huskins and the other Linda Mason. However at this moment in time we only wish to pay off the treatment invoice for Linda Mason.

First of all click on the Payment button.

You will be presented with following screen.

Enter the amount you wish to pay into the appropriate method of payment box. For a manual allocation you need to ensure the 'Manual' checkbox is ticked towards the top of the window. Click OK to confirm. You will then be presented with the following screen.

Within the credits field, select the payment you wish to manually allocate against a particular treatment invoice. Now, within the debits field, double click on the desired treatment invoice.

Enter the amount you wish to allocate against the invoice, click OK to confirm.

You will notice the credit, debit and balance fields have updated. Click OK to complete the transaction.

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