How To Record Patient's Marketing Preferences (GDPR)
Systems for Dentists provide features within the software to assist dental practices with their compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which are enforced from 25th May 2018.
GDPR requires that patients specifically 'opt in' to any marketing information. Whilst not all practices send marketing information to patients, we provide the tools for you to record patient preferences should you wish to do so in the future.
Within patient correspondence settings you can set GDPR contact preferences as shown below.
Three forms of contact methods are listed with options to consent or opt out of receiving marketing information via that form of communication. If a patient consents to any option, you are required to state how this consent was given.
The statement above can be changed in setup under the 'System' heading.
See our informative GDPR video about marketing preferences below
Systems for Dentists provide features within the software to assist dental practices with their compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which are enforced from 25th May 2018.
GDPR requires that patients specifically 'opt in' to any marketing information. Whilst not all practices send marketing information to patients, we provide the tools for you to record patient preferences should you wish to do so in the future.
Within patient correspondence settings you can set GDPR contact preferences as shown below.

Three forms of contact methods are listed with options to consent or opt out of receiving marketing information via that form of communication. If a patient consents to any option, you are required to state how this consent was given.

The statement above can be changed in setup under the 'System' heading.
See our informative GDPR video about marketing preferences below
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