How To Setup a Payment Plan

The payment plan allows a schedule of payment to be created for either a fixed amount or a repeating amount.

For a fixed amount

Click the "Plan" button

Select a Fixed Term "Type", enter the day of first payment in "Start on", the day of the month you want to collect payment in "Day of the Month", then the "Total" amount.

If there is a charge (admin fee) for setup to be included in the plan, then enter under "Fees/Charges" and it will be added to the plan total.

If there is a charge (admin fee) for setup to be invoiced directly, then enter under "Deposit" and it will be added to the patient account.

Enter the number of payments under "Instalments".

The "Amount" per instalment is calculated and shown.

You may choose to "Save" the plan for future activation, or "Activate Plan".

Once activated, the total is credited to the patient account.

Any charge amount is invoiced and then paid by the plan.

Any deposit amount is invoiced to be paid by the patient.

For a repeating amount

A repeating plan is similar to a fixed plan other than it runs until stopped, a payment is applied to the patient at interval specified.

You can choose to apply an equal and opposite charge to the patient or not.


The first step is to open Reports, to do this, click the tooth icon in the top left of SFD and then from the dropdown list select Reports.


All active plans are displayed under the "Active" tab and can be reviewed by double-clicking.

At the appropriate time based on each plan, a payment will be automatically added under "Reconcile".

You may either individually or batch reconcile all checked payment, doing so adjusts the patient account to reflect received payment.

If a payment was not received, then fail the payment, the patient account is charged to reflect none payment.


As each payment is processed, it is striked out in list, and reflected in the plan properties.

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