How To Contact Active Patients

SFD allows you to generate very specific reports to show your patient list and also has the option to contact them all via email, sms or by letter. The following article will take you through steps needed to send bulk correspondence to the patients registered to the practice. The first step is to enter Reports. To do this, click on the tooth button in the top left of SFD, then select Reports from the dropdown list (shown below).

Once you have entered Reports, click on the Patients button (shown below).

The next step is to click on New in the top left hand corner of the screen. The Report Properties window will appear (shown below). Note that there are eight tabs shown within this window but a further five tabs can be accessed by pushing the right arrow button. This allows you to define your report in great detail.

To target all active patients make sure to select all active for the status. If you are looking to send out an SMS or email then also use the filters on the right as shown above to make sure you are only sending to patients who have those forms of contact. When you have selected your filters select OK and it will produce the patient list. Once the list has generated you can then select to send all the patients in the report a SMS/Email or print off a Letter.

Select the template you would like to use from either a list of your documents or SMS templates as shown below:

Select OK on the highlighted template and the system will begin to process your correspondence to patients.

Did you know…

Once a report has been created it can be saved using the SAVE AS button allowing it to be opened at a later date using the OPEN button or edited via the EDIT button

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