Referral for Advanced Mandatory Services
Dentists referring patients for advanced mandatory services (AMS) will receive UDAs appropriate only for the treatment they provide prior to referring the patient rather than UDAs based on the full course of treatment including the AMS more...

Dental Contract Reform Pilot - Version 3
Introduction of new Dental Contract Reform Pilot on 1st April more...

SFD Joins the NHS Dental Pilot as a Dental Software Provider.
This year SFD was invited to participate in the Dental Contract Reform Programme as a Dental Software Supplier, three of our sites where chosen to more...

Data Conversions - Changing your dental software
When switching dental software supplier to SFD, some practices are concerned about the information in their previous more...

Send a SMS this Holiday Season
It's great to send seasonal greetings to your patients, but with postage so costly now, why not send an SMS?read more...

AVG False Positive
AVG has released a new anti-virus definition which wrongly identifies SFD_PACK as a virus; they are working to resolve this more...

Review of the BDTA Showcase 2012
It was a great show from both a business and personal prospective, see here what we thought about this years BDTA more...

Welcome to the team Ian Sharkey
Ian Sharkey has recently joined the support team here at SFD. He is already making a valued contribution. With a passion of IT and a keen mind, I am sure you will be delighted to welcome Ian to the more...

Planning for the BDTA Dental Showcase 2012
SFD are once again exhibiting our dental software at the BDTA Dental Showcase this year, here is a quick update on how our planning is more...

The Dentistry Show - 2012
Another successful more...
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